Get a Head Start on a Beautiful Smile

As a parent in Brentwood, you want the best children's orthodontics. That includes healthy teeth and a pleasing smile.

Dr. Frank Hann and Dr. Kristen Hann will treat your children like our own by giving them the best possible orthodontic care.

Kids Should Get an Orthodontic Check-Up By 7

There is no exact minimum age for Brentwood children to begin orthodontic treatment, but Dr. Frank Hann, Dr. Kristen Hann and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend that children should receive their first orthodontic evaluation by around the age of seven.

Most children will have a mix of primary teeth and permanent teeth at this stage of dental development.

This makes it easier for experienced orthodontists like Dr. Frank Hann and Dr. Kristen Hann to catch and correct tooth and jaw problems early, potentially preventing them from becoming more severe and requiring more serious treatment methods later on.

Early Treatment at Hann Orthodontics May Include

  • Correcting and guiding the growth of the child's jaw, helping the permanent teeth to come in straight
  • Regulating the width of the upper and lower arches
  • Creating more space for crowded teeth
  • Helping young patients avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions later in life
  • Correcting bad habits like thumb sucking, finger sucking, or extended bottle or pacifier use
  • Helping to improve minor speech problems

Dr. Frank Hann and Dr. Kristen Hann are trained in what to look for in children that would indicate a problem, but it’s not so simple for parents.

Looks can be deceiving, and you may not realize your child needs orthodontic treatment by observing their outward appearance only. However, there are a few things to look out for:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • A difficult time chewing or biting food
  • Mouth-breathing
  • Finger or thumb sucking
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth
  • Jaws that pop or make sounds when opening and closing
  • Teeth that come together abnormally or don’t come together at all
  • Jaws and teeth that aren’t proportionate to the rest of the face
  • Crowded front teeth from around the age of seven or eight
  • An unbalanced facial appearance
  • Grinding or clenching of the teeth

Learn More at Your Free Consultation

If your child has a dental issue, please contact us by setting up a free consultation at our Brentwood office.

Dr. Frank Hann and Dr. Kristen Hann can talk about your child's orthodontic options and develop a treatment plan customized to your child's needs.